QCtrlSignals  1.0.0
A library to catch and handle windows and unix signals, in a cross platform manner

A library to catch and handle windows and unix signals, in a cross platform manner.

With this class, you can easily register for the Operation system signals (like CTRL_C_EVENT on windows and SIGINT on unix/linux) and use them just like normal Qt signals.



Just copy the repository into you application (preferebly by adding it as a git submodule) and add the line include(./QCtrlSignals/qctrlsignals.pri) to your .pro-file. This way all files and required libraries will automatically be added. Use #include <QCtrlSignals> to access the class.


The following exaple uses the handler to:

  1. Automatically quit the application (for example by using CTRL_BREAK_EVENT or SIGQUIT)
  2. Instead if quitting, SigInt (CTRL_C_EVENT, SIGINT) will print a message
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QCtrlSignals>
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
auto handler = QCtrlSignalHandler::instance();
qDebug() << "App about to quit!";
qDebug() << "SigInt" << handler->registerForSignal(QCtrlSignalHandler::SigInt);
qDebug() << "SigInt triggered, shutdown was overwritten for this one!";
return a.exec();


By default, QCtrlSignals prints some warning messages if something goes wrong (For example, a signal cannot be registered). All messages of QCtrlSignals are grouped into the QLoggingCategory "QCtrlSignals". If you want to simply disable the logging, call the folling function somewhere in your code:


For more information about all the things you can do with the logging categories, check the Qt-Documentation


The documentation is available as release and on github pages.

The documentation was created using doxygen. It includes an HTML-documentation and Qt-Help files that can be included into QtCreator (QtAssistant) to show F1-Help (See Adding External Documentation for more details).

Known Limitations