▼CAction | |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateAction | A simple action for update checks |
▼CDelayButton | |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateButton | A simple button for update checks |
▼CDialog | |
▼Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::DialogBase | [INTERNAL] Base class for dialogs |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::AskUpdateDialog | A dialog to ask the user whether he wants to check for updates |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::ProgressDialog | A dialog to show the progress of an update check |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateResultDialog | A dialog to show the result of an update check |
CQtAutoUpdater::UpdaterBackend::IConfigReader | A helper interface to allow backend generic access to a backends configuration |
▼CQtAutoUpdater::ProcessBackend::ProcessInfoBase | Structure that collects information about a process to be started |
CQtAutoUpdater::ProcessBackend::InstallProcessInfo | Structure that collects information about an installation process to be started |
CQtAutoUpdater::ProcessBackend::UpdateProcessInfo | Structure that collects information about an update process to be started |
CQBasicAtomicInteger | |
CQBasicAtomicPointer | |
CQBasicMutex | |
CQFutureWatcherBase | |
▼CQObject [external] | |
▼CQAbstractItemModel [external] | |
▼CQAbstractListModel [external] | |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateInfoModel | An item model that takes a list of update infos and presents them via the model |
CQtAutoUpdater::UpdateController | A class to show a controlled update GUI to the user |
CQtAutoUpdater::UpdateInstaller | An interface to implement and consume custom in-process installer |
CQtAutoUpdater::Updater | The main updater. Can check for updates and trigger update installations |
▼CQtAutoUpdater::UpdaterBackend | An interface to be implemented by updater plugins to provide the updater functionalities |
CQtAutoUpdater::ProcessBackend | An extension of UpdaterBackend for easy implementation of QProcess based updater plugins |
▼CQWidget [external] | |
CQtAutoUpdater::UpdateButton | A simple button for update checks |
▼CQPaintDevice [external] | |
CQWidget [external] | |
▼CQtObject | |
▼Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdaterComponent | [INTERNAL] Base class for components |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateInfoComponent | A component that creates information views with detailed infos about updates |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateInstallerComponent | A component that creates an update installation wizard |
▼CQtQml.QtObject [external] | |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Core::QtAutoUpdater | A singleton class to create instances of different QtAutoUpdater types |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdaterComponent | [INTERNAL] Base class for components |
▼CQtQuick.Controls.Action [external] | |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateAction | A simple action for update checks |
▼CQtQuick.Controls.DelayButton [external] | |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::UpdateButton | A simple button for update checks |
▼CQtQuick.Controls.Dialog [external] | |
Cde::skycoder42::QtAutoUpdater::Quick::DialogBase | [INTERNAL] Base class for dialogs |
CQtAutoUpdater::UpdateInfo | Provides information about updates for components |
CQtAutoUpdater::UpdaterPlugin | The plugin interface to implement to create an updater plugin |