class | AccountManager |
| Manages devices that belong to the users account. More...
class | AndroidBackgroundService |
| An extension of QtService to create a synchronization service for android. More...
class | AndroidSyncControl |
| A class to manage background synchronization for android. More...
class | CachingDataTypeStore |
| A DataTypeStore that caches all loaded data internally for faster access. More...
class | CachingDataTypeStore< TType *, TKey > |
| A DataTypeStore that caches all loaded data internally for faster access. More...
class | ConflictResolver |
| Interface to implement a custom conflict handler for sync conflicts. More...
class | DatabaseRef |
| A wrapper around QSqlDatabase to manage the connections. More...
class | DataStore |
| Main store to generically access all stored data synchronously. More...
class | DataStoreException |
| Exception that is thrown from DataStore operations in case of an error. More...
class | DataStoreModel |
| A passive item model for a datasync data store. More...
class | DataTypeStore |
| A wrapper around the DataStore limited to one type to make access simpler. More...
class | DataTypeStoreBase |
| Base class for all DataTypeStore like classes. More...
class | Defaults |
| A helper class to get defaults per datasync instance (threadsafe) More...
class | DeviceInfo |
| Information about a device that is part of an account or wants to be added. More...
class | EventCursor |
| A cursor style class to read from the global change event log. More...
class | EventCursorException |
| Exception thrown from the event cursor if something goes wrong. More...
class | Exception |
| The base class for all exceptions of QtDataSync. More...
class | GenericConflictResolver |
| A generic variant of the ConflictResolver to handel dataobjects instead of json data. More...
class | GenericConflictResolver< T1 > |
| A generic variant of the ConflictResolver to handel dataobjects instead of json data. More...
class | InvalidDataException |
| Exception that is thrown when unsaveable/unloadable data is passed to the store. More...
class | IosSyncDelegate |
| A helper class to perform background synchronization on Ios. More...
class | KeyStore |
| An interface for a generic keystore to securely store secret cryptographic keys. More...
class | KeyStoreException |
| An exception to be thrown from within a keystore if an error occurs. More...
class | KeyStorePlugin |
| The keystore plugin to be implemented to provide custom keystores. More...
class | LocalStoreException |
| Exception that is thrown when an internal (critical) error occurs. More...
class | Logger |
| A Helper class for simple and structured logging. More...
class | LoginRequest |
| A login request done by another device to this device. More...
class | MigrationHelper |
| A helper class to migrate data from DataSync 3.0 to this version. More...
class | NoDataException |
| Exception that is thrown in case no data can be found for a key. More...
struct | ObjectKey |
| Defines a unique key to identify a dataset globally. More...
class | RemoteConfig |
| A configuration on how to connect to a remote server. More...
class | Setup |
| The class to setup and create datasync instances. More...
class | SetupDoesNotExistException |
| An Exception thrown in case a class is trying to access a setup that does not exist. More...
class | SetupException |
| Exception throw if Setup::create fails. More...
class | SetupExistsException |
| Exception thrown if a setup with the same name already exsits. More...
class | SetupLockedException |
| Exception thrown if a setups storage directory is locked by another instance. More...
class | SyncManager |
| Manages the synchronization process and reports its state. More...
class | UserExchangeManager |
| A helper class to exchange the account data between devices on the local network. More...
class | UserInfo |
| Provides information about a detected exchange user. More...