QtMvvm  1.1.0
A mvvm oriented library for Qt, to create Projects for Widgets and Quick in parallel
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NCoreThe QML import for the QtMvvmCore QML module
 CCoreAppA QML singleton to access some QtMvvm::CoreApp functionality
 CMessageA QML signelton to access the QtMvvm namespace methods for showing simple dialogs
 CMvvmBindingA QML class to create a local mvvm multiway binding
 CServiceRegistryA QML singleton to access some QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry functionality
 NQuickThe QML import for the QtMvvmDataSyncQuick QML module
 CDataSyncViewThe view implementation for the QtMvvm::DataSyncViewModel
 CNetworkExchangeViewThe view implementation for the QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel
 NQuickThe QML import for the QtMvvmQuick QML module
 CActionButtonAn extension of the ToolButton for better appearance
 CAlertDialogAn extension of the Dialog for better appearance
 CColorEditA edit view to edit colors by using a color picker
 CColorHelperA helper class to get style-dependant colors
 CContrastToolBarAn extension of the ToolBar for better appearance
 CDateEditA edit view to edit dates by using a calendar
 CDecorLabelAn extension of the Label for better appearance when used in FormLayouts
 CDialogPresenterA presentation helper that can present generic mvvm dialogs
 CFileChooserA QML class access the native file chooser on android
 CFileDialogA file dialog implementation based on the labs file dialog
 CFolderDialogA folder dialog implementation based on the labs folder dialog
 CMenuButtonAn extension of the ActionButton to provide a simple "more menu" button
 CMsgDelegateA basic input delegate for the QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel
 CPopupPresenterA presentation helper that can present mvvm views that extend the Popup type
 CPresenterProgressA ProgressBar with automatic bindings to the presenters view loading progress
 CPresentingDrawerA Drawer that can be used as a presenter for drawer views
 CPresentingStackViewA presentation helper that can present standard mvvm views
 CQtMvvmAppAn application root window that is a full fledged QML presenter
 CQuickPresenterA QML singleton to access common presenter methods globally
 CRoundActionButtonAn extension of the RoundButton for better appearance
 CRoundMenuButtonAn extension of the RoundActionButton to provide a roudn button with sub-elements
 CSearchBarA ToolBarLabel with a search button next to it, that can turn into a searchbar
 CSettingsViewThe view implementation for the QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel
 CTimeEditA edit view to edit times by using tumblers
 CTintIconA simply tinted icon, exactly like you find in i.e. the ActionButton
 CToolBarLabelAn extension of the Label for better appearance when used in a toolbar
 CViewPlaceholderA placeholder item to show a view within another view
 NQtMvvmThe primary namespace of the QtMvvm library
 NSettingsElementsA sub namespace for the different elements in a settings setup
 CCategoryA top level category to organize sections in
 CEntryAn entry in the settings to display and edit a value
 CGroupA logical group of settings entries
 CSectionA bigger section for different entries and groups
 CSetupThe whole settings setup
 CAccountModelA list model implementation for QtDataSync::DeviceInfo via a QtDataSync::AccountManager
 CAndroidSettingsAccessorA wrapper around the android SharedPreferences API
 CBindingA handle to a multidirectional binding between properties
 CCoreAppA logicaly application object to drive the mvvm application from the core part
 CDataSyncSettingsAccessorA settings accessor implementation that allows to store and sync settings via datasync
 CDataSyncSettingsEntryA class used with the DataSyncSettingsAccessor to store and sync generic settings
 CDataSyncSettingsViewModelAn extension of the normal settings viewmodel with the DataSyncSettingsAccessor as accessor
 CDataSyncViewModelA viewmodel to show a overview of the datasync status and account
 CDataSyncWindowThe widgets view implementation for the DataSyncViewModel
 CExchangeDevicesModelA list model implementation to show all devices available by the QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager
 CFormatterA class to format the preview text in the delegates
 CInputViewFactoryA factory class to generate input edit views by their type names
 CInputWidgetFactoryA factory class to generate input edit widgets by their type names
 CIPresenterThe interface for a GUI view presenter
 CIPresentingViewA simple interface to make it possible for any view to present subviews
 CISettingsAccessorAn interface to provide a generic way to access settings of any origin
 CISettingsSetupLoaderAn interface for a generic settings setup loader
 CMessageConfigA configuration for a simple dialog to be shown from the core code
 CMessageResultA result watcher to get the result once a dialog has finished
 CNetworkExchangeViewModelA viewmodel to show a dialog to exchange account data via the QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager
 CNetworkExchangeWindowThe widgets view implementation for the NetworkExchangeViewModel
 CPresenterExceptionAn exception to be thrown from the presenter if presenting fails
 CProgressControlA Helper class to control a generic progress dialog
 CQSettingsAccessorA settings accessor implementation that wrapps QSettings
 CQuickPresenterThe IPresenter implementation for the quick module
 CServiceConstructionExceptionIs thrown in case the construction of a service has failed
 CServiceDependencyExceptionIs thrown if a service could not be created because of a missing dependency to be injected
 CServiceExistsExceptionIs thrown if a service is beeing registered that is already registered
 CServiceRegistryA singleton to prepare services for dependency injection and to access them
 CSettingsDialogThe widgets view implementation for the SettingsViewModel
 CSettingsEntryA generic wrapper around ISettingsAccessor used by the qsettingsgenerator
 CSettingsListNodeA helper class used by the qsettingsgenerator to represent list nodes
 CDeferredEntry container to make deferred creation of a new list element possible
 Citerator_baseThe iterator class to iterate through the list nodes entries
 CSettingsLoaderExceptionAn exception throw in case loading a settings setup went wrong
 CSettingsViewModelA ViewModel for a generic settings dialog based of an XML settings file
 CSimpleFormatterA very basic formatter that uses QString::arg with the value on the format string
 CViewModelThe base class for all viewmodels
 CWidgetsPresenterThe IPresenter implementation for the widgets module