▼Nde | |
▼Nskycoder42 | |
▼NQtMvvm | |
▼NCore | The QML import for the QtMvvmCore QML module |
CCoreApp | A QML singleton to access some QtMvvm::CoreApp functionality |
CMessage | A QML signelton to access the QtMvvm namespace methods for showing simple dialogs |
CMvvmBinding | A QML class to create a local mvvm multiway binding |
CServiceRegistry | A QML singleton to access some QtMvvm::ServiceRegistry functionality |
▼NDataSync | |
▼NQuick | The QML import for the QtMvvmDataSyncQuick QML module |
CDataSyncView | The view implementation for the QtMvvm::DataSyncViewModel |
CNetworkExchangeView | The view implementation for the QtMvvm::NetworkExchangeViewModel |
▼NQuick | The QML import for the QtMvvmQuick QML module |
CActionButton | An extension of the ToolButton for better appearance |
CAlertDialog | An extension of the Dialog for better appearance |
CColorEdit | A edit view to edit colors by using a color picker |
CColorHelper | A helper class to get style-dependant colors |
CContrastToolBar | An extension of the ToolBar for better appearance |
CDateEdit | A edit view to edit dates by using a calendar |
CDecorLabel | An extension of the Label for better appearance when used in FormLayouts |
CDialogPresenter | A presentation helper that can present generic mvvm dialogs |
CFileChooser | A QML class access the native file chooser on android |
CFileDialog | A file dialog implementation based on the labs file dialog |
CFolderDialog | A folder dialog implementation based on the labs folder dialog |
CMenuButton | An extension of the ActionButton to provide a simple "more menu" button |
CMsgDelegate | A basic input delegate for the QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel |
CPopupPresenter | A presentation helper that can present mvvm views that extend the Popup type |
CPresenterProgress | A ProgressBar with automatic bindings to the presenters view loading progress |
CPresentingDrawer | A Drawer that can be used as a presenter for drawer views |
CPresentingStackView | A presentation helper that can present standard mvvm views |
CQtMvvmApp | An application root window that is a full fledged QML presenter |
CQuickPresenter | A QML singleton to access common presenter methods globally |
CRoundActionButton | An extension of the RoundButton for better appearance |
CRoundMenuButton | An extension of the RoundActionButton to provide a roudn button with sub-elements |
CSearchBar | A ToolBarLabel with a search button next to it, that can turn into a searchbar |
CSettingsView | The view implementation for the QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel |
CTimeEdit | A edit view to edit times by using tumblers |
CTintIcon | A simply tinted icon, exactly like you find in i.e. the ActionButton |
CToolBarLabel | An extension of the Label for better appearance when used in a toolbar |
CViewPlaceholder | A placeholder item to show a view within another view |
▼NQtMvvm | The primary namespace of the QtMvvm library |
▼NSettingsElements | A sub namespace for the different elements in a settings setup |
CCategory | A top level category to organize sections in |
CEntry | An entry in the settings to display and edit a value |
CGroup | A logical group of settings entries |
CSection | A bigger section for different entries and groups |
CSetup | The whole settings setup |
CAccountModel | A list model implementation for QtDataSync::DeviceInfo via a QtDataSync::AccountManager |
CAndroidSettingsAccessor | A wrapper around the android SharedPreferences API |
CBinding | A handle to a multidirectional binding between properties |
CCoreApp | A logicaly application object to drive the mvvm application from the core part |
CDataSyncSettingsAccessor | A settings accessor implementation that allows to store and sync settings via datasync |
CDataSyncSettingsEntry | A class used with the DataSyncSettingsAccessor to store and sync generic settings |
CDataSyncSettingsViewModel | An extension of the normal settings viewmodel with the DataSyncSettingsAccessor as accessor |
CDataSyncViewModel | A viewmodel to show a overview of the datasync status and account |
CDataSyncWindow | The widgets view implementation for the DataSyncViewModel |
CExchangeDevicesModel | A list model implementation to show all devices available by the QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager |
CFormatter | A class to format the preview text in the delegates |
CInputViewFactory | A factory class to generate input edit views by their type names |
CInputWidgetFactory | A factory class to generate input edit widgets by their type names |
CIPresenter | The interface for a GUI view presenter |
CIPresentingView | A simple interface to make it possible for any view to present subviews |
CISettingsAccessor | An interface to provide a generic way to access settings of any origin |
CISettingsSetupLoader | An interface for a generic settings setup loader |
CMessageConfig | A configuration for a simple dialog to be shown from the core code |
CMessageResult | A result watcher to get the result once a dialog has finished |
CNetworkExchangeViewModel | A viewmodel to show a dialog to exchange account data via the QtDataSync::UserExchangeManager |
CNetworkExchangeWindow | The widgets view implementation for the NetworkExchangeViewModel |
CPresenterException | An exception to be thrown from the presenter if presenting fails |
CProgressControl | A Helper class to control a generic progress dialog |
CQSettingsAccessor | A settings accessor implementation that wrapps QSettings |
CQuickPresenter | The IPresenter implementation for the quick module |
CServiceConstructionException | Is thrown in case the construction of a service has failed |
CServiceDependencyException | Is thrown if a service could not be created because of a missing dependency to be injected |
CServiceExistsException | Is thrown if a service is beeing registered that is already registered |
CServiceRegistry | A singleton to prepare services for dependency injection and to access them |
CSettingsDialog | The widgets view implementation for the SettingsViewModel |
CSettingsEntry | A generic wrapper around ISettingsAccessor used by the qsettingsgenerator |
▼CSettingsListNode | A helper class used by the qsettingsgenerator to represent list nodes |
CDeferred | Entry container to make deferred creation of a new list element possible |
Citerator_base | The iterator class to iterate through the list nodes entries |
CSettingsLoaderException | An exception throw in case loading a settings setup went wrong |
CSettingsViewModel | A ViewModel for a generic settings dialog based of an XML settings file |
CSimpleFormatter | A very basic formatter that uses QString::arg with the value on the format string |
CViewModel | The base class for all viewmodels |
CWidgetsPresenter | The IPresenter implementation for the widgets module |