QtMvvm  1.1.0
A mvvm oriented library for Qt, to create Projects for Widgets and Quick in parallel
de::skycoder42::QtMvvm::Quick Namespace Reference

The QML import for the QtMvvmQuick QML module. More...


class  ActionButton
 An extension of the ToolButton for better appearance. More...
class  AlertDialog
 An extension of the Dialog for better appearance. More...
class  ColorEdit
 A edit view to edit colors by using a color picker. More...
class  ColorHelper
 A helper class to get style-dependant colors. More...
class  ContrastToolBar
 An extension of the ToolBar for better appearance. More...
class  DateEdit
 A edit view to edit dates by using a calendar. More...
class  DecorLabel
 An extension of the Label for better appearance when used in FormLayouts. More...
class  DialogPresenter
 A presentation helper that can present generic mvvm dialogs. More...
class  FileChooser
 A QML class access the native file chooser on android. More...
class  FileDialog
 A file dialog implementation based on the labs file dialog. More...
class  FolderDialog
 A folder dialog implementation based on the labs folder dialog. More...
class  MenuButton
 An extension of the ActionButton to provide a simple "more menu" button. More...
class  MsgDelegate
 A basic input delegate for the QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel. More...
class  PopupPresenter
 A presentation helper that can present mvvm views that extend the Popup type. More...
class  PresenterProgress
 A ProgressBar with automatic bindings to the presenters view loading progress. More...
class  PresentingDrawer
 A Drawer that can be used as a presenter for drawer views. More...
class  PresentingStackView
 A presentation helper that can present standard mvvm views. More...
class  QtMvvmApp
 An application root window that is a full fledged QML presenter. More...
class  QuickPresenter
 A QML singleton to access common presenter methods globally. More...
class  RoundActionButton
 An extension of the RoundButton for better appearance. More...
class  RoundMenuButton
 An extension of the RoundActionButton to provide a roudn button with sub-elements. More...
class  SearchBar
 A ToolBarLabel with a search button next to it, that can turn into a searchbar. More...
class  SettingsView
 The view implementation for the QtMvvm::SettingsViewModel. More...
class  TimeEdit
 A edit view to edit times by using tumblers. More...
class  TintIcon
 A simply tinted icon, exactly like you find in i.e. the ActionButton. More...
class  ToolBarLabel
 An extension of the Label for better appearance when used in a toolbar. More...
class  ViewPlaceholder
 A placeholder item to show a view within another view. More...

Detailed Description

The QML import for the QtMvvmQuick QML module.

Current Version

Available Types