A Qt library to easily create a settings dialog for user configurable settings
CFilePath | A custom type that represents a file path (is a QString) |
CGenericSettingsGroupWidgetFactory | [INTERNAL USE] Generic base class for a factory to create QSettingsWidgets |
CGenericSettingsWidgetFactory | [INTERNAL USE] Generic base class for a factory to create QSettingsWidgets |
CHtmlText | A custom type that represents html-text (is a QString) |
CIntRange | A custom type that represents an integer range (is an int) |
CInvalidContainerPathException | An exception that will be thrown if an invalid container path is used |
CInvalidTargetLayoutException | An exception that is thrown if you try to add an element to a QSettingsLayout that does not accept this kind of element |
CLayoutPropertyNotDefinedException | An exception that indicates you are trying to access an undefined property in a QSettingsLayout |
CQAsyncSettingsContainer | A special class that allows access to the settings dialog from different threads |
CQAsyncSettingsLoader | Defines an asynchronous loader, that can load settings from any thread with any delay |
CQGroupSettingsContainer | A settings container for groups |
CQSectionSettingsContainer | A settings container for sections |
CQSettingsContainer | A generic class the defines methods for settings containers |
CQSettingsDialog | The main class that represents the dialog itself |
CQSettingsDialogWidget | A generic class to easily create a dialog widget from a normal one |
CQSettingsDialogWidgetBase | The base class for dialog based edit widgets in the settings dialog |
CQSettingsDisplayEngine | [INTERNAL USE] An interface for an engine to create display dialogs |
CQSettingsDisplayInstance | [INTERNAL USE] An interface for a display instance that can be controlled by the dialog |
CQSettingsEntry | Represents one settings entry within the settings dialog |
CQSettingsGroupWidget | Generic base class for group widgets |
CQSettingsGroupWidgetBase | The base class for group widgets in the settings dialog |
CQSettingsGroupWidgetFactory | The base class for a factory to create QSettingsGroupWidgets |
CQSettingsLayout | A general class to modifiy the appereance of elements of a settings dialog |
CQSettingsLoader | The basic settings loader class. Serves as utility class |
CQSettingsLoaderEntry | A combination of a QSettingsEntry and a QSimpleSettingsLoader in one class |
CQSettingsPropertyEntry | A class that combines the QSettingsEntry and the QSettingsPropertyLoader |
CQSettingsPropertyLoader | A loader to load properties from objects and gadgets |
CQSettingsSettingsLoader | A loader to load data from QSettings |
CQSettingsWidget | Generic base class for settings widgets |
CQSettingsWidgetBase | The base class for edit widgets in the settings dialog |
CQSettingsWidgetDialogEngine | The default engine implementation for the settings dialog |
CQSettingsWidgetFactory | The base class for a factory to create QSettingsWidgets |
CQSettingsWidgetFactoryRegistry | A registry to load widget factories based on an id |
CQSimpleSettingsLoader | Defines a simple, synchronous loader |
CQtException | A basic exception type for Qt Exceptions |
CVariantWidgetsRegistrator | A static class to globally register different types of edit widgets |