QSettingsDialog  1.0.0
A Qt library to easily create a settings dialog for user configurable settings
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CFilePathA custom type that represents a file path (is a QString)
 CGenericSettingsGroupWidgetFactory[INTERNAL USE] Generic base class for a factory to create QSettingsWidgets
 CGenericSettingsWidgetFactory[INTERNAL USE] Generic base class for a factory to create QSettingsWidgets
 CHtmlTextA custom type that represents html-text (is a QString)
 CIntRangeA custom type that represents an integer range (is an int)
 CInvalidContainerPathExceptionAn exception that will be thrown if an invalid container path is used
 CInvalidTargetLayoutExceptionAn exception that is thrown if you try to add an element to a QSettingsLayout that does not accept this kind of element
 CLayoutPropertyNotDefinedExceptionAn exception that indicates you are trying to access an undefined property in a QSettingsLayout
 CQAsyncSettingsContainerA special class that allows access to the settings dialog from different threads
 CQAsyncSettingsLoaderDefines an asynchronous loader, that can load settings from any thread with any delay
 CQGroupSettingsContainerA settings container for groups
 CQSectionSettingsContainerA settings container for sections
 CQSettingsContainerA generic class the defines methods for settings containers
 CQSettingsDialogThe main class that represents the dialog itself
 CQSettingsDialogWidgetA generic class to easily create a dialog widget from a normal one
 CQSettingsDialogWidgetBaseThe base class for dialog based edit widgets in the settings dialog
 CQSettingsDisplayEngine[INTERNAL USE] An interface for an engine to create display dialogs
 CQSettingsDisplayInstance[INTERNAL USE] An interface for a display instance that can be controlled by the dialog
 CQSettingsEntryRepresents one settings entry within the settings dialog
 CQSettingsGroupWidgetGeneric base class for group widgets
 CQSettingsGroupWidgetBaseThe base class for group widgets in the settings dialog
 CQSettingsGroupWidgetFactoryThe base class for a factory to create QSettingsGroupWidgets
 CQSettingsLayoutA general class to modifiy the appereance of elements of a settings dialog
 CQSettingsLoaderThe basic settings loader class. Serves as utility class
 CQSettingsLoaderEntryA combination of a QSettingsEntry and a QSimpleSettingsLoader in one class
 CQSettingsPropertyEntryA class that combines the QSettingsEntry and the QSettingsPropertyLoader
 CQSettingsPropertyLoaderA loader to load properties from objects and gadgets
 CQSettingsSettingsLoaderA loader to load data from QSettings
 CQSettingsWidgetGeneric base class for settings widgets
 CQSettingsWidgetBaseThe base class for edit widgets in the settings dialog
 CQSettingsWidgetDialogEngineThe default engine implementation for the settings dialog
 CQSettingsWidgetFactoryThe base class for a factory to create QSettingsWidgets
 CQSettingsWidgetFactoryRegistryA registry to load widget factories based on an id
 CQSimpleSettingsLoaderDefines a simple, synchronous loader
 CQtExceptionA basic exception type for Qt Exceptions
 CVariantWidgetsRegistratorA static class to globally register different types of edit widgets