QSettingsDialog  1.0.0
A Qt library to easily create a settings dialog for user configurable settings

A Qt library to easily create a settings dialog for user configurable settings.

Github repository: https://github.com/Skycoder42/QSettingsDialog

Main Features

The settings dialog provides a number of classes to create simple to highly customizable settings dialogs. It provides simple, general interfaces to easily create a normal settings dialog, as well as many mechanisms to make it highly customizable and easily extendable. The library is split into four logical modules, based on concern.


The core module is responsible for the definition of the base classes and the managemant behind the dialog. It's main features are:


This module provides the standard widgets based dialog ui, as well the interfaces needed to customize appeareance and possible edit widgets:


This module contains a collection of default and advanced edit widgets for standard types and others:


This module contains a number of custom settings datasources, to load settings entries from:


Windows Mac X11
Sample Dialog
Sample Dialog
Sample Dialog

Gettings Started

The library provides many features, and with this come a bunch of classes to provide all these possibilities. To get started, there are only very few of them you will work with:

They work together as following: The dialog is the core of everything. You will add entries to it, representing one entry in the dialog. Each entry has one loader attached, that will be used to load and save the actual data. To display an appropriate edit widget, a display id will be assigned to the entry and used to resolve the edit widget.

A very basic example looks like this:

#include <QApplication>
#include <qsettingsdialog.h>
#include <qsettingssettingsloader.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QSettings settings(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/test.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
//create the dialog
// add a new entry
dialog.appendEntry(new QSettingsEntry(QMetaType::QString,// <- The display id. In this case, an edit for a QString is loaded, a QLineEdit
new QSettingsSettingsLoader(&settings, "appName"),// <- The loader loads a value with the key "appName" from the settings
"App name"));//Other properties of the entry, i.e. The label text
//show the dialog (blocking)
return dialog.execSettings();

For more advanced examples, check the examples subfolder of the project and the documentation.


The documentation is available within the releases and on github pages.

The documentation was created using doxygen. It includes an HTML-documentation and Qt-Help files that can be included into QtCreator (QtAssistant) to show F1-Help (See Adding External Documentation for more details).


Comming soon. The code is prepared, but that's it for know.


Downloads are available via github releases. The downloads include:


The library makes use of three submodules:

Icon sources/Links

All icons come from http://www.fatcow.com/free-icons