QSettingsDialog  1.0.0
A Qt library to easily create a settings dialog for user configurable settings
Classes | Macros | Typedefs

The core module of the dialog library. More...


class  InvalidContainerPathException
 An exception that will be thrown if an invalid container path is used. More...
class  LayoutPropertyNotDefinedException
 An exception that indicates you are trying to access an undefined property in a QSettingsLayout. More...
class  InvalidTargetLayoutException
 An exception that is thrown if you try to add an element to a QSettingsLayout that does not accept this kind of element. More...
class  QSettingsDialog
 The main class that represents the dialog itself. More...
class  QSettingsEntry
 Represents one settings entry within the settings dialog. More...
class  QSettingsLoader
 The basic settings loader class. Serves as utility class. More...
class  QSimpleSettingsLoader
 Defines a simple, synchronous loader. More...
class  QAsyncSettingsLoader
 Defines an asynchronous loader, that can load settings from any thread with any delay. More...
class  QSettingsLoaderEntry
 A combination of a QSettingsEntry and a QSimpleSettingsLoader in one class. More...
class  QSettingsContainer
 A generic class the defines methods for settings containers. More...
class  QGroupSettingsContainer
 A settings container for groups. More...
class  QSectionSettingsContainer
 A settings container for sections. More...
class  QSettingsLayout
 A general class to modifiy the appereance of elements of a settings dialog. More...
class  QSettingsDisplayInstance
 [INTERNAL USE] An interface for a display instance that can be controlled by the dialog More...
class  QSettingsDisplayEngine
 [INTERNAL USE] An interface for an engine to create display dialogs More...


#define outParam   &
 Simple define for "&" to mark parameters as out-parameter.


typedef QHash< QString, QVariantUiPropertyMap
 a Hash for strings to variant, to provide properties for edit widgets

Detailed Description

The core module of the dialog library.

The core module contains the part of the API that is used to manage the dialog, it's logic and organization. It's this part that you will use in most cases. The central class is the QSettingsDialog - It is used to create a settings dialog. Have a look at it's documentation. While the core api handles most of the organization, the actual creation and execution of the dialog does not happen here. This part is handled by the (exchangeable) Dialog-UI. For more options on loaders, check the Loaders.

Core Structure

The following diagramm describes the core structure. Bold classes are the most important ones for you as an api user:

The Core-Structure in a class diagram


The core can be found in any of the default examples, but all of it's features are tested out in the EngineTest. Use this example if you interested in all the feature of the core.